AskBot - Ai Chat Assistant Privacy Policy

Welcome to the “AskBot - Ai Chat Assistant” App! A popular mobile application that offers access to such features as “YouTube summarize”, “Web URL Summarize”, “Text Recognition”, “Email Assistant” and a lot more.
Our Privacy Policy outlines the way we handle information, including messages, to provide transparency to our users. This includes details on the type of information we collect and how it may impact you.

When we refer to "AskBot - Ai Chat Assistant," "our," "we," or "us," we are referring to our company itself. This Privacy Policy covers all of our Services, including apps, features, software, and our website, unless stated otherwise.

“AskBot - Ai Chat Assistant” is developed and published by:


Business Club - BLB-BC5-241 AMC - BOULEVARD -B BUILDING, Ajman Media City, UAE

This Privacy Policy covers all Users of the App, including those who access it ("Users"). Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we are the data controller, unless otherwise specified.

We kindly request that you take the time to read and understand this Privacy Policy, as it contains important information about how your personal information may be processed. By using the App, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to comply with the terms stated in this Privacy Policy.

  1. Information We Collect

We gather the following categories of information to offer our Services to you:

Most of the data we collect and use is essential for us to provide you with our Services. If you do not agree to our Privacy Policy, we will not be able to grant you access to our Services. While some of the data we collect and use is not necessary for us to provide the Services, it is still relevant, and we have a legitimate interest in collecting and processing it. This includes analyzing and enhancing our Services, as detailed further below.

Please provide us with your account information when using our services.

Account Information:  We gather any personal information that you choose to provide us, such as your name, email, AppStore ID and phone number. This personal information may be used to identify, describe, or reference a particular individual, household, or device, and is referred to as "Personal Information."

Additionally, when you use our services, we may automatically collect some information:

Email Data: When you use our App, there are multiple options for you to log in. As part of this process, we collect your email address and link it to your respective account. This allows us to keep a record of your user profile, associated data and give you access to all the features of the App. As a result, you may receive newsletters periodically which contain valuable tips on plant cultivation, important updates about the App, and other related content. If you choose to, you can opt out of these emails at any time. To learn more about how we handle your data while sending these newsletters, we recommend reading the "Email communications" subsection in our Privacy Policy.

Registration Information: In case you decide to register with the App using your Apple ID or Facebook account, we will process the information you have chosen to register with, including your email address, name, and if applicable, your profile picture. If you uninstall the App without deleting your account, we will keep this information for a specific period of time. We encourage you to go through the "Manage Your Data and Transfer Control" section in our Privacy Policy to understand the details of this process. However, if you permanently delete your account from the App, all the information linked to your account will be permanently erased, and you will no longer have access to it. Logging out of your account will delete your history from the device. You can restore your history by logging back into your account.

Usage Information: Our Services collect various types of information about your use of our platform, in order to provide you with the best possible experience and to continually improve our Services. This includes information such as the time when you access our app, the specific features you use the most and other details about how you use our Services.

Device Information: In addition, we also gather information about the devices that you use to access our Services. This may include the type of device you are using, such as a smartphone or tablet, as well as the hardware model, operating system, and version. We also collect data on your browser type and language. We may combine this information across different devices you use, in order to better personalize your experience and to measure your response to our advertisements.

Cookies Information: We and our service providers also use cookies, web beacons, and other similar technologies to collect information about your usage. These are small data files that are stored on your device and help us to improve our Services and make your experience more user-friendly. This may include identifying popular areas and features of our app. Certainly you have the option to adjust your settings to reject or remove these cookies if you prefer.

Camera and Photos: The App will need to have access to both your device's camera and photos in order to properly scan what is on your pictures. This is necessary for the App to function and provide accurate results. However, we want to assure you that we do not collect, store, or use any of your personal data from your camera roll without your explicit consent. We respect your privacy and understand the importance of keeping your information safe. We understand the importance of privacy and will always prioritize the protection of your personal information. We only require access to your camera and photos in order to provide the best user experience and we will never use this information in any other way without your consent.

Data on advertisements viewed: Details regarding the advertisements you view may consist of the date and time the ad was displayed, whether or not you clicked on it, and if it led to a specific action, such as a conversion. This data may also include the content of the ad, the type of ad (such as text, image, or video), where it was placed within the App, and your reaction to it.

App Analysis: While using our App, various events will be automatically tracked by analytics tools. These events could include actions such as clicking, scrolling, visiting different screens within the App, completing tutorials, leveling up, making payments or in-app purchases, and engaging in custom events or progression events. Additionally, methods to limit the processing of user data may also be recorded.

  1. Your Data is Secured

By using the application and providing information to us, you agree that we can communicate with you electronically regarding security, privacy, and administrative issues relating to your use of the application. Protecting your personal information is a top priority for us! We understand the sensitivity of the information you share with us and the importance of keeping it safe. Therefore, we have implemented various measures to ensure the security of your personal information.

One of the ways we protect your information is by utilizing the latest application programming interfaces (APIs). These APIs are designed to provide a secure and seamless connection between our application and external services. We have carefully chosen reputable and trustworthy service providers to ensure that your information is kept safe and secure. In addition, we regularly monitor the performance of our servers which are protected by third party services. This allows us to promptly address any potential security threats and maintain the confidentiality of your data.

Despite our efforts, we acknowledge that no security measures are foolproof. While we strive to provide the best possible protection for your personal information, we cannot guarantee that it will remain completely secure. Therefore, we urge you to also take precautions when sharing information online.

In the event of a security breach, we will make every effort to notify you electronically so that you can take necessary steps to protect your information. By using our application and providing us with your personal information, you agree to receive electronic communications from us regarding any security, privacy, or administrative issues related to your use of the application.


  1. User Generated Content

The content and data that you choose to share and utilize within the app is strictly private and will only be viewable by you. As a precaution, we respectfully request that you refrain from including any material that is deemed offensive, insensitive, unsettling, designed to provoke disgust, excessively distasteful, or just generally unsettling. In the event that you continue to share sensitive or controversial information while using the app, or if you violate any of the app's regulations, we reserve the right to permanently remove your account without prior warning.

  1. Application Usage Information

When you choose to use our services, we want you to feel reassured that your personal information is safe and secure. That's why we have put measures in place to protect your privacy. We follow a strict Privacy Policy, which outlines how we handle your information. We also adhere to the U.S. Digital Advertising Alliance's Self-Regulatory Principles for the Mobile Environment.

Our partnerships with third parties are carefully chosen and we only work with those who have confirmed that they have the necessary technical and organizational safeguards in place to protect your personal data. However, it is important to note that while we take all necessary precautions, we cannot guarantee the security of any information that is transmitted from our App directly to these third parties. We are not liable for any accidental loss or unauthorized access to your personal data resulting from their actions.

We want to make it clear that we do not rent or sell your personal data to any third parties. Any materials submitted by our valued end-users are exclusively utilized to enhance the reliability and functionality of our mobile application's algorithm and object recognition capabilities. Any media content provided by users is promptly removed from our cloud storage within 120 minutes of the scanning process and is solely utilized to train the neural network embedded in the mobile app. Users have the option to view the record of their scans in their personal account at any time. This history remains accessible until the user chooses to delete it themselves.

We may share certain information that we collect, such as log files or device identifiers with organizations that offer automatic data processing technologies for our App. It's important to note that we have no control over these third parties' tracking technologies or how they use the data we share with them. We want to be transparent about this and ensure that you are aware of how your information may be used by these third parties.

Below are the third party solutions used in AskBot - Ai Chat Assistant app:

  1. OpenAI, LLC. -
  2. Google, LLC. -
  3. RealmSwift -
  4. Firebase, Inc. -
  5. RevenueCat, Inc. -
  6. Adjust GmbH -
  7. Amplitude, Inc. -

  1. Manage Your Data and Transfer Control

Our Privacy Policy outlines all of the rights and obligations that we have in regards to protecting your personal information. These rights and obligations can be freely transferred to any of our affiliates in the event of a merger, acquisition, restructuring, or sale of assets. This may also occur through operation of law or any other means we deem necessary. In such cases, we may transfer your information to our affiliates, successor entities, or a new owner.

At any time, you have the ability to manage, change, limit, or delete your information.

Deleting Your Account: Should you choose to delete your account, you can do so through our deactivation page. This will permanently erase all of your photo scans, requests, and other user generated information. If you decide to sign up again, please note that you will be considered a new user and will not have access to your previous history, contacts, or pictures.

To exercise your rights in controlling your personal data, please reach out to us at

  1. Payment Policy

Our e-commerce providers play a crucial role in our online business, as they are responsible for handling the entire billing and payment process for in-app purchases. This means that they handle all financial transactions, from processing the payment to charging your credit or debit card.

To ensure the utmost security for our customers, our providers also take the responsibility of safeguarding your personal information. This information is necessary for the completion of the transaction and is treated with the utmost confidentiality to protect your privacy. It is processed in accordance with the terms of our contract with you, and we guarantee that we will not use or access your credit or debit card information for any other purpose.


  1. Children’s Policy

Our Services are designed for individuals aged 13 and above. As such, we do not intentionally gather personal information from anyone under the age of 13 through our websites, apps, services, or tools. Within the EEA, users under 16 will have automatic privacy settings applied and can only be modified with written instructions from a legal guardian.

  1. Privacy Policy Updates

We will update this privacy policy as needed so that it is current, accurate, and as clear as possible. Your continued use of our Services confirms your acceptance of our updated Privacy Policy.

  1. Service Providers and Third Parties

To gain a better understanding of the services offered and the privacy choices available (including the option to opt-out), please refer to the relevant websites and privacy policies. We are not responsible for any misuse of your personal information by these third-party entities who do not comply with our guidelines.

Our App may contain links to external websites or may be accessed through a third-party site. We do not hold responsibility for the privacy practices of these third-party sites or services, including any content or information held within them.

We may disclose your personal information in cases that are deemed necessary, such as for legitimate reasons, public interest, or in unforeseen circumstances:

- As required by law

- When we have a good faith belief that it is necessary to protect our rights, your safety or the safety of others, to investigate fraud, or to respond to a government request

- In the event of a merger, acquisition, or sale of our assets, we will inform you via email and/or a noticeable notice in our App of any changes in ownership or the use of your personal information, as well as any choices you have regarding your personal information.

  1. Data Usage

Our Company collects your data solely for the following purposes:

- To ensure the proper functioning of our AskBot - Ai Chat Assistant App, including resolving technical issues, troubleshooting, and keeping the App up to date.

- To comply with applicable laws, regulations, and legal processes, or if required by law enforcement, regulators, or other entities. We will make every effort to inform you beforehand before disclosing any information in response to these requests.

- To gather feedback from you about your experiences, preferences, and concerns regarding the App. We may contact you through email or other specified communication channels.

- To establish, exercise, or defend legal claims, as well as to prevent and detect fraud or other malicious activities.

We would like to remind you that providing your personal data is completely voluntary. However, not doing so may affect the availability and functionality of the App.

In general, we store your personal information for as long as necessary to provide our services and fulfill our legal obligations. If it becomes necessary to keep the data for legal or safety reasons, such as taxation, accounting, or fraud prevention, we will only retain the data for a specific period but no longer than required.

  1. Governing Law

If any issues arise in relation to the use of the Products and Services provided by the Company, the Parties agree to attempt an amicable resolution before resorting to legal measures. Any disagreements or claims regarding this Privacy Policy, including their interpretation and applicability, will be settled through arbitration rather than in court. In case of unsatisfactory results from customer service, legal action can be taken in the jurisdiction of the UAE.

  1. Contact Us

If you have questions, please contact us at